April 28, 2013
© 2013
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Tenya Lake |
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Tuolumne Meadows |
Big Oak Flat Road leaves the
Merced River just before the entrance into Yosemite Valley and heads up to Tenya
Lake, Tuolumne Meadows and Tioga Pass. Coming past Carlon Meadow the road goes
through a dense conifer forest with deep gray granite boulders covered with dark
lichens. Up ahead, sunlight illuminates a turn in the road. Rounding that turn
opens a whole new world above timberline. Sunlight flashing off of brilliant
white granite peaks above vivid green meadows laced with silver streams and jeweled
with crystal lakes bounded by sturdy hemlocks.
Last Sunday you started to round
a turn that will take you into a whole new world. Mike Snell will be your first
new pastor in 25 years. You cannot see the full panorama yet, but you can see
the road turning into a new landscape.
For three Sundays since
Easter I have not preached for you: vacation in Wisconsin, youth Sunday and the
choir cantata. The road for us is also turning around an unseen bend. Counting
today I have five sermons in which to get you ready to welcome Mike Snell as
your pastor. I feel the centrifugal forces as we speed down diverging roads.
In John 13:31-35 Jesus began
his farewell to his disciples as his road turned toward the cross. At the
Passover Feast that we know as the Last Supper, Jesus washed his disciples’
feet and warned them that one of them would betray him. With a code that only
Jesus and Judas seemed to understand at the time, Jesus dipped bread in the
bitter herbs and gave it to Judas who went out into the night.
When [Judas] had gone out, Jesus said, “Now
the Son of Man has been glorified, and God has been glorified in him.32[Since]
God has been glorified in him, God will also glorify him in himself and will
glorify him at once.33Little children, I am with you only a little longer. You will
look for me; and as I said to the Jews so now I say to you, ‘Where I am going,
you cannot come.’34I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as
I have loved you, you also should love one another.35By this
everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one
This new commandment defines
the entire discourse that follows in chapters 13-16. The word for “new” does
not mean something different than what he has been teaching all along, nor
different from the Hebrew Scriptures from Moses through the Prophets. Rather,
this commandment is “fresh” with new vitality that they will need and that we
still need in all its freshness. To love one another. Utterly simple.
The disciples were going to
need to love each other through the grief of Holy Saturday and the confusion
between Easter and Pentecost, and for the challenges of bringing the Gospel to
a world they barely knew. In fact, Jesus made that love the driving engine of
their mission. “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you
have love for one another.”
People in today’s fragmented
world are also drawn to Jesus by the love between those of us who are his
disciples. This word from Jesus is the seed of the vision of the Christian
Church (Disciples of Christ) to be a movement for wholeness in a fragmented
Jesus’ new commandment was
put to the test immediately with Cornelius. When word of Peter’s mission to
Cornelius got back to Jerusalem, he was not congratulated for spreading the
Gospel, he was criticized for eating with a Gentile.
This may be the most
important single story in the book of Acts after Pentecost. Luke told the whole
story twice: once as an objective historian and a second time in Peter’s own
words. It is the turn in the road that took the Gospel out of the Church’s
comfortable Jewish context into a whole new worldwide mission for all peoples.
With great patience Peter
explained step by step how all this took place: the coordinated prayers and
visions of Peter and Cornelius, the confirming testimony of the six who
accompanied him on this mission, corroborating witness of the Holy Spirit on
Cornelius’ household.
Though Paul became the
Apostle to the Gentiles, for Peter to open the door was strategically
important. In rather dramatic fashion God moved Peter into a new venue for
ministry, just as God is moving Mike Snell to minister here with you. Though I
don’t see it yet, God is also moving Candy and me to a new arena of ministry.
Luke gave Cornelius all this
attention to set a new paradigm for the Church. From then up to now, the
mission of the church outside is our natural circles of social contacts. God
has sent and continues to send us to unlikely outsiders.
Acts 10:2 describes
Cornelius as a devout man who feared God, gave generously to the poor and
prayed constantly. The angel who appeared to him said his prayers had been
answered and his generosity to the poor had ascended as a memorial to God. God
had answered his prayers and accepted his offerings before he even heard
Peter’s sermon about Jesus. I don’t want to push too hard on this except to say
we can trust God to handle our ambiguities better than we can. I suppose that
if someone had murdered Cornelius before Peter got there, he would still have
inherited the resurrection to eternal life.
After Peter told Cornelius’
story step by step, his critics were silenced and perhaps with some reluctance
praised God that even Gentiles had been given the repentance that leads to
life. Gentiles were acceptable as long as there were only a few of them, but when
Gentiles became the majority, the leaders in Jerusalem took Paul to task. Acts
15 recounts the struggle to recognize not only that the Church would be diverse,
but God intended the Church to be diverse. Luke told this story to confront our
reticence to welcome outsiders. In Acts 10 the story starts with Cornelius, not
Peter. The star is the outsider, not the longtime leader.
So we come full circle, back
to Jesus’ assertion that everyone will know we are his disciples if we have
love for one another.
I call this the love magnet.
People in today’s fragmented world are drawn to Jesus by the love between those
of us who are his disciples. As a congregation you are an expression of the
vision of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) to be a movement for
wholeness in a fragmented world.
We may nostalgically grieve
the loss of the 1950s. That was when the United States put “In God We Trust” on
the dollar bill and “under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance. That was when nuclear
families living in suburbia became the standard. That was when churches grew at
an unprecedented rate. Those days are not going to return.
Just as Cornelius called the
early Church out of its comfortable enclave, his story calls us to an exciting
mission in the fragmented society of the 21st century. Those who
claim no religious affiliation are the fastest growing demographic in the
United States. Churches who grow will be those who welcome these outsiders who
have no church experience or expectations.
The fragmentation of society
is leading to polarization and tribalization of uncompromising hostility
between groups. Rodney King’s words during the 1992 Los Angeles riots continue
to echo, “Can we all get along?” Subsequent events shout, “No way!” Yet people
are desperate for an alternative. This is Jesus’ mandate to us as his disciples
in the 21st century. “Everyone will know you are my disciples if you
have love for one another.” In Matthew 5:46 and Luke 6:32 Jesus asked, “If you
love those who love you, what credit is that to you?” People who are outsiders
to the church will not only notice us but be attracted to Jesus when we love
each other while we disagree about theology, ethics, worship styles, politics
and economics, while we have different personal styles and personalities. They
will be drawn to Jesus when we lovingly welcome outsiders who are different
than we are educationally, socially, ethnically, culturally. It is up to the
Church to be a living alternative to polarized hostility.
I know this congregation is
poised to grow and wants to grow. I know Mike Snell wants to lead you to grow.
That will inevitably mean growing pains, just as the Jerusalem church had with
Cornelius. You will feel uncomfortable with some new things you’ll be doing.
You’ll be uncomfortable with different opinions about Pastor Snell. You’ll be
uncomfortable with some of the “outsiders” who become part of the congregation.
When you feel those discomforts, listen carefully for the Holy Spirit to
whisper the words of Jesus, “Everyone will know that you are my disciples if
you have love for one another.”