Zechariah 9:9-11; John 12:12-16
March 29, 2015 Palm Sunday
© 2015
After World War I and the Great Depression,
people world over were looking for leaders who could rescue them from global
chaos. Some were evil and others noble: Hitler, Hirohito, Mussolini, Franco,
Haile Selassie, Stalin, de Gaulle, Churchill, and in this country Franklin
Today, the whole world is looking for someone
to rescue us from the chaos of Iraq, Iran, Syria, ISIL, et al. You will hear presidential candidates promising solutions,
but I am fully certain none of them will be the American messiah.
At the time of Jesus, Rome’s oppression was
brutal. Messianic fever was high, hoping for a rescuing hero.
That is essential to John 12:12-16’s Palm
Sunday story. Summoned by his friends, Jesus came to Bethany, near Jerusalem, and
raised Lazarus from the grave as a sign of resurrection. This threatened Temple
leaders who plotted to kill Jesus and Lazarus. Jesus withdrew to the safety of
a remote area but returned for a dinner when Mary anointed him, which he
said prepared him for his burial.
next day the great crowd that had come to the festival heard that Jesus was
coming to Jerusalem. 13So
they took branches of palm trees and went out to meet him, shouting, “Hosanna!
Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord— the King of Israel!” 14Jesus
found a young donkey and sat on it; as it is written: 15“Do
not be afraid, daughter of Zion. Look, your king is coming, sitting on a
donkey’s colt!” 16His
disciples did not understand these things at first; but when Jesus was
glorified, then they remembered that these things had been written of him and
had been done to him.
The differences in John’s Palm Sunday from
the synoptic Gospels emphasize Jesus’ leadership of humility and peace.
The synoptic Gospels tell of those who came
with Jesus, some from Galilee, but John tells it from the perspective of those
who were in Jerusalem and went out to meet him.
Only John specified palm branches, symbolizing
victorious Hebrew royalty. Two centuries earlier, Simon Maccabeus was welcomed
with palms after liberating Jerusalem (1 Maccabees 13:51; 2 Maccabees 10:7).
Hosanna was not an acclamation of praise but
an appeal to be rescued by a conquering hero, which came from “save us” in
Psalm 118:25 from our call to worship.
John quoted the people as adding “the King of
Israel” to “Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord!” Sometimes
John is accused of anti-Semitism because he used “Jew” in ambiguous ways. “Jew”
was actually shortened from Judah and was used in a derogatory way by their
oppressors: Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome. John consistently used “Israel” with
positive connotations. By adding “King of Israel” the people were hoping Jesus
would be the conquering hero to rescue them from Rome. But by Friday, Jesus was
condemned by Pilate as “King of the Jews” not “King of Israel.”
John didn’t tell how Jesus got the donkey’s
colt, only that he sat on it, which he interpreted with Zechariah 9:9 as a sign
of Jesus’ leadership of humility and peace.
At the same time, Pilate may have ridden into
Jerusalem on a war horse with a military entourage. Some wanted Jesus to keep
going to run Pilate out of town. By coming on a donkey’s colt, Jesus rejected
all such thoughts.
As King of Israel, Jesus cut off the chariot,
the war horse and the battle bow to command peace to all the nations.
[Highlands Christian Church is to vote on calling a new pastor
before the start of the Palm Sunday service. Though I anticipate enthusiastic affirmation,
in an abundance of caution and respecting congregational process, I have
redacted the end of this sermon, as though a government report going to the
press or a Congressional committee. This is also respecting the career and
calling of the candidate.]
Looking at Jesus’ leadership of humility and
peace on the Sunday you voted to call a new pastor begs the question, what kind
of leadership will you expect from XXXXXXXXXX?
Your vote today affirms the conviction of
your S&C Committee that God has specifically called XXXXXXXXXX and Highlands Christian Church
together. I encourage you from day one to treat XXX as God’s gift sent to you.
I believe XXX education in music and business will bring
ideas and resources especially valuable to this church at this time. I know XXX will bring changes in
worship and changes in administration. XXX experience in ministry with families of
children and youth match your aspirations.
Though XXX is much younger with fewer years of church
experience than most of you, your vote confirms that God has called XXX to lead you as your
pastor. One of your important challenges will be to let XXX lead, believing XXX wants the best for this church and has
much to contribute to this church. But XXX won’t always get it right. So you are also
going to be teaching XXX
a lot as a new senior pastor. You do not want to do this in an adversarial
relationship but in a spirit of collaborative partnership.